Local Stress Calculator
By downloading the local stress calculator, you agree to the site Terms and Conditions as well as some notes mentioned on the sheet which is written as follows:
Some NOTES on the sheet:
This data calculation sheet is protected by intellectual property law including copyright. You as a user are not allowed to copy, republish and distribute this calculation sheet without permission.
The formula and methods which are used in this calculation sheet are based on those mentioned in the technical papers on the WWW.CALCSTRESS.COM website. User must be aware of the applied method's restrictions.
The owners of CALCSTRESS.COM cannot guarantee the completeness and accuracy of any information including formula and methods applied and used in this datasheet. Moreover some sheets and cells are unlocked and the formula can change easily. It has been designed for training only. It may not be complete enough for a professional service. So, it must not be used for any professional services. CALCSTRESS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, OMISSIONS AND ERRORS ARISING FROM USING THIS CALCULATION SHEET.
This sheet content may change without any prior notice.
Users are highly appreciated if they let CALCSTRESS know any problems or mistakes in this sheet.
Peak stress criteria which cover fatigue failure have not been considered in this calculation sheet. For designing a piping system, as a real engineering practice, it should be considered as mentioned in ASME BPVC SEC VIII Div 2.
The input values for this sheet are not checked. User’s knowledge about the proper valid range of inputs and the method limitations is important.